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Additional price reduction & shortened production time

With Multi-CB you optimize time, budget and quality of your PCB project. Benefit from the strengths of our services:

  1. low-cost SAVING production,
  2. fast STANDARD production and
  3. reliable EXPRESS production starting from 1WD

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Price reduction

In March 2021, we have already lowered the prices for pooling by up to -41%. Now we have permanently improved special production and further reduced the attractive SAVING prices:

 1 layer2 layers4 layers6 layers8 layers10 layers
up to-31%-47%-22%-37%-35%-22%


Shortened production time

At the same time, we have reduced the number of working days in STANDARD multilayer production. "Multilayer boards have an essential part in miniaturization. As one of very few PCB suppliers, we can even offer 8-layers pooling", explains Operations Manager Michael Pickart.

 1 layer2 layers4 layers6 layers8 layers10 layers
5 pcs.4WD4WD5WD6WD6WD6WD
50 pcs.5WD5WD5WD6WD6WD6WD

Examples for printed circuit boards with 100mm x 100mm, WD= working days.

For this purpose, Multi-CB consistently relies on state-of-the-art machinery, automation and digitalization. This is done without compromising on quality and service.


Hightech always inclusive

The Multi-CB high-tech inclusive parameters are possible due to manufacturing on state-of-the-art machines with very low tolerances. You benefit from the high manufacturing quality even if your layout has larger structures than 0.1mm trace-width, -spacing, annular ring or 0.2mm drills. In addition, the delivery reliability increases, since the error rate decreases thanks to the modern machinery.

Inclusive parameters et al.:


Best service

Our service quality convinces through very good availability by phone and fast response times, also for customer-specific solutions.

Contact us conveniently online or by email, fax and mail. Orders are best placed via our powerful PCB calculator or newly via interface to your ERP system (API, beta status).

We adjust to your preferences.

Click here for an overview of our services.

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