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Scoring (also known as v-cut) is used for mechanical pre-separation of circuit boards. A V-shaped breaking line is formed in the circuit board with a precision cutting tool. Please observe the following rules:

  • The circuit boards spacing in the layout is 0.0mm
  • Scoring lines must be straight; horizontal and vertical lines are possible, and tipically run from circuit board outer edge to circuit board outer edge
  • Jump scoring is possible. Please note that the roller blade of the scoring machine requires an entry and exit path. Therefore, the starting or end point of a scoring line must not be directly adjacent to the next circuit board, a distance of 15mm is necessary
  • PCBs down to a minimum thickness of 0.8mm (on request 0.5mm as special production) can be scored. Where applicable, scoring is done one-sided.
  • If you separate the panel by hand, we recommend scoring only down to a minimum PCB thickness of 1mm for handling reasons.

V-Scoring parameters

Remaining bridge thicknessapprox. 0.3mm
Scoring angle V30°
Minimum copper / scoring line spacing500µm
Edge displacement P*+/- 150µm

Scoring Example Image

Note: In addition to a circuit board contour within a panel, the panel contours themselves may also be scored.

Jump scoring

For example, for a more stable panel border (optional) or to make scoring possible within a mixed multiplier panel (different circuit board images).

e.g. Mixed Multiplier Panel

(jump scoring required)

  • The entry and exit path of the scoring blade is 15mm, each.
  • The circumferential panel border should therefore be min. 15mm, better 20mm.
  • The distance to the neighbouring PCB (in extension of the score line) should therefore be min. 15mm, better 20mm.

CNC scoring of any shape is possible but not recommended, see below.

CNC scoring of any shape

If your application requires it, any shapes (e.g. star shape, radii, ...) can be scored. Where classical scoring has a much higher processing speed than milling, CNC scoring is much slower. CNC scoring therefore is more time-consuming and cost-intensive.

If possible, you should therefore choose milling instead of CNC scoring. Also note that non-rectangular shapes can make manual breakout considerably more difficult or require auxiliary scorings.

CNC scoring is done with a V groove cutter on a "normal" milling machine for PCBs. 

Milling/scoring combination hassle-free

If the outer edge of the milling lies on the scoring line, the milling tool moves along the scored base material. This increases the risk of forming of chips.

Advice: Do not mill directly aligned with scribe lines.

We manufacture PCBs with milling and scoring on the same line. Should this result in  shaving (chip) formation, a reclamation in this regard would be rejected.

Additional information