Mutual trust, whether in private or business, is the basis for every success. Whether customer, supplier or employee - a transparent code of conduct forms the basis for this trust.
The Multi-CB group is therefore committed to the ZVEI Code of Conduct. This set of rules for social responsibility was developed by the German Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI) as a voluntary guideline for the industry.
This ZVEI code of conduct is based on internationally established standards and is an expression of a common set of values in which the company's and its employees' basic rules of conduct are defined. As an industry guide, it defines social responsibility, particularly with regard to working conditions, social and environmental compatibility, as well as transparency, trusting cooperation and dialogue.
Multi-CB faces up to this corporate responsibility and has signed the ZVEI Code of Conduct, knowing that responsible action pays off - for a world worth living in, for more trust and better products.
Download: Multi-CB Code of Conduct (ZVEI)