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Plated-through slots (slits)

Plated-through slots, also called PTH slits (PTH = plated through hole), plated elongated holes , plated-through milling or PTH routing, are producible from 0.6mm width. Smaller diameters are enlarged to 0.6 mm in diameter. Not only circular drills can be plated, but also various geometric shapes, including larger cut-outs.

PTH slots are platings within the circuit board. Platings outside the PCB, on the outer edge, are called sideplating. A special option are plated half-holes.

In principle, each milling with copper connections on TOP and BOTTOM will be plated. If a non-plated-through (NPTH) routing is desired, the copper must be removed from the routing path (min. clearance 150µm).

A routing that is connected to copper on one side only, cannot be plated. We reserve the right to clear the routing from one-sided connected copper. If it is necessary for you that no clearance is made, please indicate this as a comment to your order.

Plated-through slots (slits) / milling are always free of charge at Multi-CB.

PTH slots / milling - Design parameters

min. width:0.6mm
min. annular ring200µm
Layer:milling (mechanical layer), e.g. EAGLE layer 46
Note:Needs copper connections on TOP and BOT for through-plating.

NPTH slots / milling - Design parameters

min. width:0.8mm
Layer:Dimension layer, e.g. EAGLE layer 20
Copper claerance:150µm
Note:Copper exemption needs to be carried out.