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Circuit Board Design / PCB Design-Aid

Introduction to Design-Aid

Basic Design Rules as PDF
All Design Parameters on one view! Vias, conductors, solder-stop, marking print, tolerances: Download now: Printed Circuits - Basic Design Rules - V2.5 / 07.2023

Observance of this Design-Aid will ensure quick and problem-free processing of your circuit board order.

This will help you reduce costs in two ways: first, through error-free manufacture of your boards (correct tolerances, avoiding misunderstandings, etc.); and second, by avoiding needless confirmations, thus making sure that nothing lies in the way of the prompt delivery of your circuit boards.

The ideal solution for correct layer orientation:
Please make sure you provide an indication of the layer definitions in the copper, such as a caption: "TOP" in the top layer, "BOT" in the bottom layer. Information about layer orientation

From our many years of experience with circuit boards, we can say with certainty: 80% of all errors in circuit boards layouts are caused by the same problem! Therefore, please do refer to this Design-Aid, which contains all relevant and important design information.