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Multi-CB holidays 2023

Due to the dispatch of the goods from Bavaria/Germany, the holidays are mainly based on the Bavarian holidays. Our UK locations remain open on certain days.

Your advantage: Our PCB calculator shows automatically the estimated dispatch date!

07.04.23 - Karfreitagclosedclosedclosed
10.04.23 - Ostermontagclosedclosedclosed
01.05.23 - Tag der Arbeitclosedclosedclosed
18.05.23 - Christi Himmelfahrtclosedopenopen
29.05.23 - Pfingstmontagclosedclosedclosed
08.06.23 - Fronleichnamclosedopenopen
15.08.23 - Mariä Himmelfahrtclosedopenclosed
03.10.23 - Tag der Dt. Einheitclosedopenclosed
01.11.23 - Allerheiligenclosedopenclosed

Apart from above days, we are there for you continuously throughout the year. We will inform you about our Christmas closure in a timely manner.

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