For cost-saving or technical reasons (such as improved assembly), multiple circuit boards may be combined to form a “panel”. This panel is then produced just as a single large circuit board. A separa
In this section of the Design-Aid, we provide all information regarding the PCB surface.
Conductor / Copper thickness informs about the perfect ratio of chosen copper thickness to conduct
The following table shows the maximum allowed conductor trace width with the minimum conductor trace spacing, depending on the respective copper thickness.
Inner layers
Copper thickness min. conducto
In the following the factors influencing the current carrying capacity of circuit boards are named in context with heat development on the conductors, to provide practical guidance for implementation
You should pay special attention to solder-stop bridges (solder-stop between two pads or vias), which should not be smaller than 100µm (green solder-stop) or 150µm (coloured solder-stop) re
Multi CB Technical Hotline: +49 (0)8104 628 126
From Multi-CB, you can order toroidal transformers with any voltage or power rating (inclusive: max. primary 440V, max. secondary 100V, free all
Multi-CB Technical Hotline: +49 (0)8104 628 210
From Multi-CB, you can order toroidal transformers with any voltage or power rating (inclusive: max. primary 440V, max. secondary 100V, free all
A unique differentiation in your data between plated-through holes (PTH) and non plated- through holes (npth) is of fundamental importance!
This means that you must, additional to your Gerber data,
see also Component holes
You should design the annular rings as large as possible (annular ring ≥ 125µm). Please specify component holes ≤ 0.5mm with your order! Component holes
With sideplating of printed circuit boards, the PCB edge is used for technical features of the later assembly. Portions of the printed circuit`s contour but also partial areas within the circuit boar