Wetting generally describes the behavior of liquids on solid surfaces. This plays a role in applying the PCB surface finish to the copper. Later, the behavior of solder on the surface determi
Blind Via
A Blind via connects one outer layer of the PCB with one inner layer. The technology enables complex design structures and a high circuit density. Therefore, blind vias are preferred for HD
Drilling program
A drilling program is used to communicate the required holes on a printed circuit board to the PCB manufacturer. The drilling program is exported from as Excellon or Sieb & Meyer
Buried Via
Buried Vias connect at least two PCB inner layers, but no outer layer. Buried vias are not visible from the outside of the PCB.
This technology enables complex design structures and a hig
D-Code list
Layout data in outdated Gerber RS-274D standard format require a separate D-code list. This list contains information about the geometric shape (circles, rectangles, circular rings are co